Thursday, June 30

You Belong Among the Wildflowers

The North Slope is approaching the peak of its growing season, so I've taken extra time during my last few days out in the field to take some photos of the wildflowers. There are tons of them, and most I can't identify, but I'll tell you what I do know.

Hedysarum alpinum. One of the most abundant species I've seen.

A member of the legume family.

Polygonum bistorta.

A member of the Pedicularis family.

Dasiphora floribunda.

Looks like a dandelion to me, but I'm not sure what it is.

An Aster of some sort.

Papaver mauconii. I believe it is a member of the poppy family.

Ledum palustre. Labrador tea is made from this plant.

Another Pedicularis.

Andromeda polifolia.

Aconitum delphinlifolium.

Chamerion latifolium, also known as Fireweed.

Dryas octopetala.

And last but certainly not least, the one that reminds me of Texas:

Lupinus arcticus, related to and resembling the Bluebonnet.