Hedysarum alpinum. One of the most abundant species I've seen. |
A member of the legume family. |
Polygonum bistorta. |
A member of the Pedicularis family. |
Dasiphora floribunda. |
Looks like a dandelion to me, but I'm not sure what it is. |
An Aster of some sort. |
Papaver mauconii. I believe it is a member of the poppy family. |
Ledum palustre. Labrador tea is made from this plant. |
Another Pedicularis. |
Andromeda polifolia. |
Aconitum delphinlifolium. |
Chamerion latifolium, also known as Fireweed. |
Dryas octopetala. |
And last but certainly not least, the one that reminds me of Texas:
Lupinus arcticus, related to and resembling the Bluebonnet. |