Saturday, May 21


Last summer I was part of a group of young geologists that worked just outside of Decatur, NE.  It is a small town of about 600 people located directly on the Missouri, or "Big Muddy" River.  We also stopped at some cool places along the way:

The 2010 "Mud Rangers" in Tennessee, led by Dr. John Holbrook   

          Hello and goodbye St. Louis
Lexington, Missouri

We had a great time while working hard to reconstruct the surficial geological history of the river's path through the valley. We were fortunate enough to be invited to present our research at the Geological Society of America annual conference in the fall.

Drilling a 7 meter hole in the ground


Watching the World Cup Final at Pop-N-Doc's with Justin, Jenna, and David

Presenting last summer's research in Denver, CO

Sunset on the Big Muddy
In conclusion, I am very fond of my experiences in Nebraska and the surrounding area. Bring on Alaska!!